Monday, December 12, 2011

When it comes to choosing a moped, there are multiple variables that you must decide on. 

One of the major things you want to look at when purchasing a moped scooter is the power its engine produces. Usually the engines in these vehicles are measured in cc's, which stands for cubic centimeters. Moped scooters go anywhere from 50cc to 300cc or more. 50cc Scooters are common in many settings. They are the most affordable mopeds on the market and can be used in many ways. Most 50cc engines come as 49cc engines so that people can legally drive them on the road without a license to drive it. 
A handful of states allow you to actually drive around these 49cc vehicles legally without a license, as long as it's under 50cc.  

Another thing to consider when purchasing a 50cc moped scooter is how much weight it can hold. Before buying a moped, I make sure to make a list of questions to ask the dealer when I speak with them. You don't want to buy a scooter that can't even hold your own weight. 

One last thing to consider when buying your moped scooter is storage space. I use my moped 50cc scooter for college. Driving to classes has never been better. Walking was a drag, and once I got my moped running it was so amazing. I use my storage trunk in the rare of the moped to store my books, notebooks, and computer. 

If your thinking about purchasing a moped scooter, you may be making a better decision than you expect. My moped has saved me so much money in gas, it's awesome. Using it in a campus situation is pretty ideal for me, and I wouldn't do it any other way. 

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